Omaha Chamber Singers
Duchesne Academy Choir
Doulgas O'Neill, Organ
Ed Hogan, Lector
Gaudete: An Omaha Chamber Singers Christmas was presented on the Third Sunday of Advent, called Gaudete Sunday, December 11, 2005. The Omaha Chamber Singers combined forces with the Duchesne Academy Choir, organist Douglas O'Neill, and lector Ed Hogan in this Lessons and Carols format. The Omaha Chamber Singers processed and sang from various locations within the richly reverberant space, while the Duchesne Academy Choir remained within the organ gallery. With the addition of the gathered assembly, three choral ensembles were created and allowed for wonderful antiphonal singing. The entire experience was glorious!
Although it is difficult to capture the true acoustical experience of the cathedral in a recording, hear some excerpts from this special event by selecting the sound files below.